Wednesday, September 3, 2008

"Look What Ethan Find!"

Last night, about 45 minutes after putting the kids to bed, Ethan came to his doorway (for about the 15th time) and said, "Mommy, look what Ethan find." I said, "What?", hoping that he would just tell me rather than make me get up and look. He repeated, "Mommy, look what Ethan find!" I decided to get up and look. I walked to his room and there he was holding up a small rock to show me. I thought to myself "That's weird, why is there a rock in his room?" I told him to go back to his bed, and reached for the rock. Just as my fingers touched it I realized this wasn't a pebble from the Earth, but, rather, a pebble of poop. My son had dug this precious stone out of his diaper and was so excited about it that he couldn't wait to show me. Then, not wanting to be greedy, he let me hold it. I asked him if he "found" this treasure in his diaper and he told me he had and that he needed a new diaper. In my three years of motherhood, this is the first time I have thought it was really funny that I was touching poop, but I do hope that digging for treasure in his diaper doesn't become a new habit of Ethan's.


Brooke said...

That is way too funny. Totally gross, but hilarious!

TheQueen@TerrorsInTiaras said...

Eeeewwwww! I had one that loved to find "buried treasures" in her diaper. It was disgusting.

Scrappy said...

Gross!!! At least it was a pebble and not finger paint like mommyofthree's girls used to find in their diapers and use on the walls! :)

TheQueen@TerrorsInTiaras said...

Yes, Scrappy, you're right. The fingerpaint is so much worse. This is one time constipation is a blessing. :)