I have been thinking lately about all the things I like about my computer time. I figured there might be some of you out there that are new to the blogging world or that just don't take the time to search for the great things of the World Wide Web, so I am going to share some of my favorite things on the internet. Check them out if you want to, or don't.
Google Reader - A site where you can put all of the blogs that you read (except the private ones) in one place. This is how I keep on top of the 50+ (is that too many?) blogs that I follow.
Kids-In-Mind - A site to check out all of the questionable content that is in most of the movies you want to watch. This is meant to help parents decide whether to let their kids watch a movie, but I mostly use it for myself. It is especially useful for those PG-13 movies you just aren't sure about.
My family's blogs - You can check some of those out using the links on my sidebar.
Diapers and Divinity Blog - This is one that's on my sidebar, but I have to mention it separately. My cousin is the author of this blog and I love it. It is great for any mother who could use a little bit of humor and a lot of inspiration.
Cake Wrecks - This is an extremely popular site that showcases really bad professional cakes. It's good for a giggle or a shake of the head.
Initially Speaking - Actually, this isn't one you'd want to read every day, but it's a new business that my sister started and you should all check it out at least once. She does a great job! The site is still under construction, so pardon her dust. :)
Surf The Channel - My friend told me about this one recently and I love it. It has tons of TV shows on it that you can watch whenever you want. It's like having On Demand or TiVo for free! My favorite things about it are that I can watch cable shows that I don't get and I can watch past episodes (or seasons) of shows that I missed. Of course the quality's not great, but for me it's better than nothing.
I realize a lot of you probably already know about most of these, but I thought I'd share the love just in case.