Friday, November 14, 2008


At about midnight last night I got home from a night out with my friend. I had been listening to a CD while I was driving, and I wanted to finish the song that was playing before I got out of my car. I turned my car's engine and headlights off and sat listening to my music. Two police officers came walking into the parking lot to their separate cars. One of the men got in his car and drove away immediately. The other (who was backed in a few spots down with a truck between his and my car) stood by the back of his car facing toward mine. He looked around with an "I hope no one sees me" look on his face, then stood pretty still. I thought for a second Why is this guy trying to hide? It's not like people can't see him. Then, after watching him for about a minute, my brain turned on. This cop was peeing in my parking lot! He apparently had no idea that I was watching him. I could have sworn he could see me, but I guess not. It was hilarious (and gross)! Thankfully, I could only see him from the waist up.
When I told Shaun about it, he thought I should have gotten out of the car and told him "We can do this one of two ways: I can call your supervisor now, or you can give me $100 cash." I totally wish I'd have thought of that. :) At the very least I should have quickly exited my car and given him an innocent "hello", just to let him know he wasn't alone.


Stephanie said...

That's hilarious. Did you ever see that one Andy Griffith show where they yell "Citizen's Arrest! Citizen's arrest!"? :)

Scrappy said...

Oh my gosh! So disgusting and disturbing.

Roxanne said...

Gross. I think it would have been hilarious if you had gotten out and surprized him.

TheQueen@TerrorsInTiaras said...

Hilarious, and sort of disgusting. Don't let your kids walk there anymore.